"The Environmental Benefit: Why Regular Mowing & Good Landscaping Helps Insects and Ecosystems"


I have a lot of respect for people who want to save the bees and do good things for our environment and planet. However, while environmentalists want to promote letting your lawn grow and not mowing for the benefit of insects and other wildlife, there are a number of down sides to it. Don’t underestimate the importance of regularly mowing and trimming.

Maintaining a lush green lawn is a source of pride for many homeowners. Allowing your lawn to grow long and become unmanageable can lead to various issues that can be detrimental to your lawn's health and appearance, and may also be detrimental to your home and own health and that of your family as well.

First and foremost, long grass can create a breeding ground for pests such as mosquitoes and ticks. These insects thrive in tall grass and can quickly become a nuisance for you and your family. Mosquitoes and ticks are known carriers of disease and in particular, lime disease. You could also be inviting Fire ants whose venom may cause a severe reaction in hypersensitive individuals, including nausea, shock, chest pains, and in rare cases, coma.

If that’s not enough to give you worries, consider that the dampness in your yard created by having long grass can also encourage intruders such as carpenter ants, termites and other undesirable pests and that can damage the structure of your home. It can also create fungal diseases.

The invitation of insects will also draw their predators. Vermin such as mice, moles, rats and yes, snakes too, will all be following behind those other undesirables. They too are known for carrying various disease. You certainly don’t want these getting into your home.

Lastly, an overgrown lawn can be a safety hazard for you and your family. Long grass can hide dangerous objects such as sharp rocks, broken glass, tools or other debris, increasing the risk of injury. Moreover, tall grass can obstruct your view, making it difficult to spot potential hazards such as uneven terrain or hidden obstacles.

Letting your property look unkept will also bring down property values in your neighborhood, as well as your own, and especially to neighbors immediately surrounding your property. It can also be an invitation to two legged intruders.


The best way to help the environment and planet is to landscape your yard. By landscaping your yard, you not only provide a visually appealing space, but you can help the environment as well.

Here are reasons why planting native and seasonal flowers in your landscaping is better than letting your yard get out of control:

1.     Habitat and Food: Native plants provide habitat and food sources for a variety of wildlife and insects. They offer shelter, nesting sites, and food in the form of nectar, pollen, and seeds. Many native plants also host specific insects that have evolved to depend on them, such as butterflies that lay their eggs on specific native plant species.

2.     Biodiversity: Native plants support biodiversity by providing a variety of resources for a range of species. When you plant native species, you create a diverse ecosystem that can support a wider range of wildlife and insects. This, in turn, can help create a more balanced ecosystem and promote greater resilience to environmental changes.

3.     Adaptation: Native plants are adapted to local soil, water, and climate conditions, making them better suited for the local environment. They require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides than non-native plants, which can reduce environmental impacts and costs associated with lawn maintenance.

4.     Pest Control: Some native plants, such as milkweeds and goldenrods, can help control pests by attracting natural predators such as ladybugs and lacewings. In addition, native plants can provide a refuge for beneficial insects, such as bees and butterflies, that can help pollinate crops and garden plants.

5.     Beauty: Native plants can be just as beautiful as non-native plants, and they can add unique aesthetic value to your landscaping. Many native plants have showy flowers and foliage that can provide a splash of color and texture to your garden.

6.     Your neighbors will appreciate the beauty you create and it raises the value of your property and those around you.

In conclusion, keeping your lawn trimmed and well-maintained is crucial for ensuring its health, appearance, and safety. Regular mowing and trimming can help prevent pest infestations, fungal diseases, weed growth, and safety hazards. Therefore, it's important to make lawn care a regular part of your home maintenance routine to keep your lawn looking its best.

By planting native plants in your landscaped yard, you can provide numerous benefits for wildlife, insects, and the environment. They offer essential resources for local wildlife, promote biodiversity, and require less maintenance than non-native species. By planting native plants, you can create a beautiful and sustainable landscape that supports a healthy and thriving ecosystem making everyone happy and healthy.



Robert Potochniak
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